Most Popular Products

Some of our most popular products are the ones that helped define our company such as EXACTA Temp Xtra and EXACTA Trays. Click below for a list of what products thousands of dentists have grown to love over the years.

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Dynax® Impression Material

Our newest product is a game changer. DYNAX VPS Impression Material combines years of VPS silicone innovation with new scannable technology. This provides a comprehensive and reliable impression material for both traditional and digital workflows.

Learn more about Dynax®

Latest News

Updates on EXACTA’s new developments.

A Journey Through Time: The Evolution of Dental Composites

Introduction: Dental composites have become an integral part of modern dentistry, revolutionizing the way we [...]

New & Flashy vs. Old & Dependable

I recently upgraded my cell phone. I now have the newest version which has all [...]

Why is there sales tax on my invoice all of a sudden?

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that states may require out-of-state companies to charge [...]

Name Brand vs. House Brand vs. Generic

Name Brand vs. House Brand vs. Generic There is much confusion about what constitutes a name [...]

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Our customer service representatives are friendly and knowledgeable. We aim to earn and keep your trust and loyalty with good old-fashioned honesty. We will never recommend products that do not fit well into your practice.